The Balancing Act: Eating and Drinking “Enough”

Kate’s Story: Both my boys have been diagnosed autistic and I’m fairly certain my husband and I are too. One issue we all have is that we get so caught up in what we are doing, that all of a sudden it’s 8 o’clock and time for bed. No one had even thought about eating dinner yet.

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Physical Health: Listening to Your Body

As much diversity as there is on the spectrum we all have sensory regulation and processing challenges which can play a major role in how we feel and ultimately our physical health. We may be under-sensitive to some painful sensations and we may also have a processing delay which can last from anywhere to a few seconds to days and even weeks for some of us.

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Keeping Your Pocketbook In Line for the Holidays

Living Well Holiday Survival Guide for Adults on the Autism Spectrum coverLinda’s Story: I know I spend too much on people for the holidays, but I have a hard time processing information and if someone asks me for something I just give it to them and then . . . Last year my son asked me for a new laptop for Christmas. I said “yes” before I realized that I just didn’t have the money for it. A friend suggested I set up a budget and that has helped me to decide how much to spend on everyone in advance.

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Family Meals and Social Gatherings

Time spent with family has the potential to be one of the most emotionally draining aspects of the holidays. Even if your family is understanding and does everything they can to support you, the very fact that you experience changes in routine and must communicate in new situations and group settings makes things even more challenging.

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The Shopping Challenge

Even if you personally choose to avoid certain activities during this time of the year, other people’s participation in their holiday routines may have a big impact on you. Case in point:

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Travel Tips

When traveling, virtually every experience can be new and unpredictable. So it can be particularly challenging for autistic folks. It can involve sleeping in new and unfamiliar rooms in beds that may not be comfortable… eating in noisy, crowded restaurants… navigating public restrooms… driving long distances in busy traffic… or taking public transit in the midst of holiday crowds.

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