Choosing Healthy Friendships in the New Year

Toni’s Story: One of my recently diagnosed autistic clients told me the other day how he became addicted to cocaine as a teenager. He had trusted his “friend” who told him, “don’t worry, we’ll just use a little and then quit. It’s no big deal.” Six years and a serious addiction later, he is now learning that he can’t trust people based solely on their word.

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Putting a Stop to Sleep Deprivation

Kate’s Story: I usually make it through December by sheer force of will and then crash in January. Now all I want to do is sleep but I can’t because I’m so caught up worrying about what I potentially did wrong. So I end up in a vicious cycle of feeling exhausted but not being about to do anything about it. Did I say something offensive without realizing it? Did people hate their gifts and not tell me? Did I eat too much chocolate and ham?

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The Balancing Act: Eating and Drinking “Enough”

Kate’s Story: Both my boys have been diagnosed autistic and I’m fairly certain my husband and I are too. One issue we all have is that we get so caught up in what we are doing, that all of a sudden it’s 8 o’clock and time for bed. No one had even thought about eating dinner yet.

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Physical Health: Listening to Your Body

As much diversity as there is on the spectrum we all have sensory regulation and processing challenges which can play a major role in how we feel and ultimately our physical health. We may be under-sensitive to some painful sensations and we may also have a processing delay which can last from anywhere to a few seconds to days and even weeks for some of us.

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Keeping Your Pocketbook In Line for the Holidays

Living Well Holiday Survival Guide for Adults on the Autism Spectrum coverLinda’s Story: I know I spend too much on people for the holidays, but I have a hard time processing information and if someone asks me for something I just give it to them and then . . . Last year my son asked me for a new laptop for Christmas. I said “yes” before I realized that I just didn’t have the money for it. A friend suggested I set up a budget and that has helped me to decide how much to spend on everyone in advance.

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